long time no update my blog liao..
almost 2 week busy prepare for my exam..
no time online and force myself can't online,
because i will spend more time than study..haha XD

yesterday add math exam really kill me..
suck !! All question in paper 2 i don't know how to answer it..
luckily i can answer the question in paper 1..

hmm.. today is EST exam..
no so much problem to answer it..haha
but the question also had a bit challenging..

tomorrow i don't have exam..
yarhu..can stay at home..
sleep until 8 a.m.,watching tv,study ..
and friday is the last subject-physics in this pra SPM exam..
really worry about it..
no tuition ,at school also don't know what are teacher taught for..
He always waste our time ..
In his lesson,majority my classmates no listen ..
really boring and sleepy..

okay la..
that is all for today..haha