
今天参加了由S.M.K JALAN ARANG举办的听歌学华语..



School holiday start liao lu...

today i started holiday 1st,haha
no go to school.lol =D
because today is biology exam,
i did't take biology subject,
go to school also can't do things,
my friends they take bio subject and study by themselves,
their got exam,if i go school i can't talk with other friends,
teacher will scold us,
so better don't go school..

for tomorrow actually has physics exam,
but suddenly cancel jor,
nevermind la..haha
i have 1 week time to prepare it.. lol

today i online whole morning include now la,haha
watching the Singapura movie-黄金路(the gold path) at PP Steam,
last part of movie,
the ending is not good..
too many people died..
then sign on my facebook account..
play my restaurant city..
until now only 16 level..
so slow to up 1 level..
need 8000 point,
about 7500 customer.. =S

no game to play..BORING BORING!

later got tuition class,
come two new friends,
actually they got tuition class at other place..
but now they want join our tuition class..haha
don't know their reason.

ok la..wanna offline liao..

long time no update my blog liao..
almost 2 week busy prepare for my exam..
no time online and force myself can't online,
because i will spend more time than study..haha XD

yesterday add math exam really kill me..
suck !! All question in paper 2 i don't know how to answer it..
luckily i can answer the question in paper 1..

hmm.. today is EST exam..
no so much problem to answer it..haha
but the question also had a bit challenging..

tomorrow i don't have exam..
yarhu..can stay at home..
sleep until 8 a.m.,watching tv,study ..
and friday is the last subject-physics in this pra SPM exam..
really worry about it..
no tuition ,at school also don't know what are teacher taught for..
He always waste our time ..
In his lesson,majority my classmates no listen ..
really boring and sleepy..

okay la..
that is all for today..haha

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